Denver Actors Fund in Action: Joanie Brosseau-Rubald

Joanie Brosseau-Rubald

‘I found myself faced with bills I thought would be covered by my insurance but weren’t’

Aid recipient: Littleton native Joanie Brosseau-Rubald has been performing regularly at BDT Stage for 23 years, most recently appearing in “A Christmas Story,” “Disenchanted,” “Motones vs. Jerseys” and “Mamma Mia.” Seminal roles have included playing Eva Peron in “Evita,” Roxie Hart in “Cabaret,” the title role in “Peter Pan,” Charity Hope Valentine in “Sweet Charity” and Audrey in “Little Shop of Horrors.” In 2017, she won a True West Award for her work in BDT Stage’s “Rock of Ages” alongside real-life daughter Olyvia Sydelle. Joanie also has performed at the Arvada Center, Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, Lone Tree Arts Center, PACE Center, Country Dinner Playhouse and Heritage Square Opera House. And she runs the BDT Academy youth program. She is a graduate of Heritage High School.

Joanie Rubald True WestHer medical story: Joanie recently underwent surgery to release a trigger-finger tendon in her thumb. While she has some insurance, it did not cover the bulk of the procedure, or any of the anesthesiology fees. When all was said and done, Joanie’s out-of-pocket obligation was $1,764.50 after insurance.

How we have helped Joanie: The Denver Actors Fund Board of Directors voted unanimously to pay Joanie’s outstanding medical balance of $1,764.50.

A message from Joanie: “I have always been a fan, follower and supporter of The Denver Actors Fund and the services and support they have offered to the Colorado theatre community. Never did it cross my mind that I might someday need its assistance. When I found myself faced with bills I thought would be covered by my insurance but weren’t, I was embarrassed to apply for help. As actors, technicians and musicians, many of us don’t work a conventional 40-hour week. That, sadly, is the criteria with which many employers must comply when offering health benefits. As a result, many of us purchase expensive but limited coverage on our own. And it’s not enough. After some urging and encouragement from friends, I swallowed my pride and applied for help. When I did, I was told that the goal of The DAF is to help any beneficiary get back to whatever financial place they were at before things went wrong, as if the medical issue never happened. What a gift. In the theatre, our job is to provide entertainment, laughter, tears, thoughtful storytelling and big, flashy musical numbers. We wish to send each audience member away feeling that they have had a journey. An adventure. We want to lift the weight of their day and allow them to escape. I am deeply grateful for DAF for lifting my weight and for helping me heal. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Joanie Brosseau Rubald in ‘Evita’ at the Country Dinner Playhouse.

How you can help us help replenish: If you would like to make a donation to help The Denver Actors Fund replenish, simply mail checks in any amount made out to The Denver Actors Fund to P.O. Box 11182, Denver, CO 80211. Or use this donation link. Or, just attend “Miscast 2019” on September 30 at The Aurora Fox. “Miscast” is the major annual fundraiser for The Denver Actors Fund. Tickets here. (More details below.)

The Denver Actors Fund has now made more than $392,000 available to Colorado artists in medical need.

Read testimonials from other Denver Actors Fund beneficiaries here

Note: At The Denver Actors Fund, anonymity of aid recipients is presumed and fully protected, unless and until the recipient chooses to have their story told.


The Denver Actors Fund is a modest source of immediate, situational relief when members of the local theater community find themselves in medical need. In addition to $392,000 in financial relief, a team of more than 60 Denver Actors Fund volunteers have offered good neighborly assistance to more than 100 beneficiaries including meal prep and delivery, child care, transportation, errands, construction, pet-sitting and more. For more information, visit our web site at DenverActorsFund.Org.


To apply for Denver Actors Fund aid: Fill out this brief online form here



Go to our online giving site at: ColoradoGives.Org


Send checks made out to The Denver Actors Fund to:
P.O. Box 11182
Denver, CO 80211


Ever thought about taking a more active role in The Denver Actors Fund? Click here for more information

Friends, we at The Denver Actors Fund believe in building community while building funds. Most of our events are performative in nature so that you have a good time while helping a good cause. Here are some of the events that are currently being planned on our behalf. Visit anytime for an updated list.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30:Miscast,” which is presented each year by Robert Michael Sanders as a benefit for The Denver Actors Fund, is an opportunity for local performers to sing songs and act out scenes they would never … ever! … get cast to perform on any legit stage. Think gender-bending, race-bending and age-bending. Odd couples and mixed groups. Wrong is oh so right. “Miscast” has evolved over the years into one of the biggest nights of the year in the Colorado theatre community – and it is a really good show. “Miscast 2019” will be held Sept. 30 at a new location: The Aurora Fox Arts Center. Tickets are on sale here.


Click here to see how you can buy DAF products such as T-shirts, key chains, puzzles and much more.

By John Moore

Award-winning arts journalist John Moore was named one of the 12 most influential theater critics in the United States by American Theatre Magazine during has 12 years at The Denver Post. Hen then created a groundbreaking new media outlet covering Colorado arts an culture as an in-house, multimedia journalist for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. He also founded The Denver Actors Fund, a nonprofit that has raised more than $600,000 for theatre artists in medical need. He is now a journalist for hire as the founder of Moore Media Colorado. You can find samples of his work at MooreJohn.Com. Contact him at