After the onset of mysterious symptoms and two surgeries, local actor left with $6,250 in bills
Aid recipient: Local actor Misha McCulloch recently appeared in the ensembles of Vintage Theatre’s “The Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” and “The Addams Family.” Previous credits include “Honeymoon in Vegas” and “Miss Saigon” at Vintage, as well as Equinox Theatre’s “Reefer Madness: The Musical” at The Bug Theatre. She also has served as a volunteer for the Town Hall Arts Center and Denver Film Society.
Her medical story: Misha encountered several mysterious gastrointestinal and sinus issues in 2019 that led to a series of surgical procedures to relieve her symptoms. Despite having some modest insurance, by the end of 2019, Misha had been presented with $6,250 in out-of-pocket expenses – and not all of her bills have yet been processed. Misha was facing the possibility of putting the entire amount due on high-interest credit cards when she contacted The Denver Actors Fund.
How we helped: Whenever possible, The Denver Actors Fund board of directors endeavors to restore an applicant to their financial position going into their medical odysseys (depending on a variety of factors). In this case, the Board decided to relieve Misha of her full $6,250 patient responsibility to date. This makes Misha’s gift one of the largest in DAF history, and one made possible only by the continuing and growing support for The DAF by individual donors and ongoing DAF fundraisers presented by companies within the local theatre community.
A message from Misha: “It’s never fun to have a year’s worth of medical procedures and have doctors still scratching their heads. After wiping out my Health Savings Account, I was resorting to putting all of my medical bills onto credit cards, and I was already in debt. But what I lack in answers I have an abundance in gratitude for The Denver Actors Fund. To receive this gift is beyond what I was expecting, but it just goes to show how incredible and magnanimous this community is. Thank you!”
The Denver Actors Fund now has made more than $435,000 available to Colorado artists in medical need.
How you can help us help us help more Colorado theatre artists: If you would like to make a donation to The Denver Actors Fund, simply mail checks in any amount made out to Denver Actors Fund to P.O. Box 11182, Denver, CO 80212. Or use this donation link, with our humble thanks.
Read testimonials from other Denver Actors Fund beneficiaries here
Note: At The Denver Actors Fund, anonymity of aid recipients is presumed and fully protected, unless and until the recipient chooses to have their story told.

The Denver Actors Fund is a modest source of immediate, situational relief when members of the local theater community find themselves in medical need. In addition to $435,000 in financial relief, a team of more than 60 Denver Actors Fund volunteers have offered good neighborly assistance to more than 100 beneficiaries including meal prep and delivery, child care, transportation, errands, construction, pet-sitting and more. For more information, visit our web site at DenverActorsFund.Org.
To apply for Denver Actors Fund aid: Fill out this brief online form here
GET INSTANT, FREE MEDICAL ADVICE: The Denver Actors Fund has launch of a major new FREE medical service for qualified Colorado theatre artists: We are partnering with Hippo Health to provide access to emergency medical evaluations via video conferencing with a Board-certified physician. Click to read more about this wonderful, innovative new partnership that will further improve the lives of artists!
Go to our online giving site at: ColoradoGives.Org
Send checks made out to The Denver Actors Fund to:
P.O. Box 11182
Denver, CO 80211
Ever thought about taking a more active role in The Denver Actors Fund? Click here for more information
Sign up for King Soopers’ Community Rewards Program and raise money for The DAF just by shopping for your groceries – and it doesn’t cost you an extra penny. It’s like the Amazon Smile Program. To sign up, simply go here and designate The DAF as your preferred non-profit. Each quarter, King Soopers sends us a donation based on how much our supporters have spent. Thanks to all of you who are shopping for The DAF!
HOLLYWOOD’S BIGGEST NIGHT: Sunday, February 9, is the biggest night for the movies! What better way to be a part of the action on the big screen than to join Denver7 at the Alamo Drafthouse Westminster? This year’s host is beloved local actor Steven Burge … and friends (!). Dress your Hollywood best (formal evening wear suggested but not at all required!) Arrive around 5 p.m. in Pandora’s Box for your very own red carpet, paparazzi, and more before we open the doors for food, drinks and fun for everyone. Tickets are just $15 this year and ALL proceeds benefit The Denver Actors Fund! What’s The Denver Actors Fund? Well, Chris Hemsworth may have made $76 million to play Thor in “Avengers: Endgame,” but closer to home, Colorado stage actors often get paid tiny stipends to perform in plays and musicals at local theatres. They often sustain themselves by working a hodgepodge of flexible but low-paying jobs without health insurance. The Denver Actors Fund is a safety net for when Colorado theatre artists (on or off-stage) need help to pay for unexpected medical expenses. In six years, the Denver Actors Fund has made $435,000 available to help artists pay their medical bills or purchase wheelchairs, hearing aids and other essential medical supplies. In addition, an army of volunteers provides neighborly assistance ranging from rides to meals to snow-shoveling and personal company. Reserve your preferred seats today.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17: The Cherry Creek Theatre Company has announced that its Industry Night performance of “My Way – A Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra” will be a benefit for The Denver Actors Fund. Tickets are $20. At the Mizel Arts and Culture Center, 350 S. Dahlia St., 303-800-6578 or cherrycreektheatre.org
SUNDAY, APRIL 26: True story: A few months ago, the local band Gin & Tonix did a show at the Clocktower to benefit the DAF, and I wasn’t sure I could make it so I didn’t book in advance. I dropped in just before the show began to buy a ticket at the door, and the woman looked at me like I was trying to walk in on Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, BTS, Shawn Mendes and the Wu-Tang Clan all at once. The look on her face was priceless. The event was was way sold out. “Gin & Tonix sells out every time,” she said. Point taken. So who is Gin & Tonix? A group of talented musician friends and family who have made music together on and off for many years. The band features vocal the harmonies of Morgan Griego, Kacie Thomas, Trinity Thomas, and Eileen Adair, by Madi Spillman on guitar, Ian Spillman on drums and vocals, and Jason Spillman on bass and vocals. The group plays songs by artists ranging from The Indigo Girls, The Eagles, The Avett Brothers and many more. The band will again be donating 10 percent of ticket sales for The Denver Actors Fund and taking a collection as a tribute to the late Amy Malmgren – an original DAF board member, and Jason Spillman’s sister. last time the total was a lucky $777. Gin and Tonix is as passionate about their community and family as they are about their music, which is touching. Now take the advice that is splased across the Clocktower’s web page: BOOK EARLY! GIN & TONIX *WILL SELL OUT IN ADVANCE!* Get your tickets here.
Click here to see how you can buy DAF products such as T-shirts, key chains, puzzles and much more.