A local reporter gets some comments from Patty Yaconis.
Some of the opening-night crowd.
The opening-night curtain call. Visible are Brian Landis-Folkins, left, and Rich Cowden.
Denver First Lady Mary Louise Lee with “Race” cast member Joseph Graves, director Robert Kramer and assistant director Roni Lee.
Publicist Gloria Shanstrom with actor Ryan Goold.
Jessie Page, left, with her father, Paul Page, who will appear in the Edge’s next production, “The Shadow Box,” opening April 19; and Edge board member Patty Yaconis.
Founder Rick Yaconis raised a glass of champagne after the opening performance of “Race” along with board members, friends and remaining audience members.
To see the our full photo series, “It’s Opening Night in Colorado Theatre,” featuring one intimate, iconic snapshot from 42 Colorado opening nights (and counting), click here.
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