Caitlin Conklin, who plays Golde, adjusts her look in the dance-studio mirror.
From left, student actors Zeky Nadji, David Gerhards and Adam Rosen go over their individual singing parts one last time before the performance.
Student actor David Gerhards takes a picture of castmates Emily Keil (Hodel) and Teleri Gee (Tzeitel). Below, Gerhards goes all meta on me.
Actors Cecilie Nygaard (Bielke) and George Arvidson (Perchik) sign opening-night cards for the cast and crew.
Director Pamyla Stiehl offers some last-minute love before the opening performance, above, while guest star John Arp (Tevye) listens in from the door (below.)
John Jones, who plays the Constable (left), with Elliot Clough (Lazar).
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