Rob Rehburg plays Victor, and helps provide table service for audience members.
Rob Janzen plays Nazi trafficker Ernst.
The young aren’t the only ones getting naked (on and off stage) in “Cabaret,” as proudly evidenced by the lovely Barbara Porreca, who plays Fraulein Schneider.
“Cabaret” features a four-piece band directed by Brandon Bill.
Director Danny Harrigan circles the cast and crew for a pre-show pep talk backstage.
Cailin Doran plays Helga. She’s next to Brian Trampler, who plays Herr Schultz.
Some of the Kit Kat Boys, from left, Tyler Nielsen, Rob Rehburg, Christopher Riney and Alex Ambard.
(Please click “Page 3” below to go to the next page of our photos from our visit to “Cabaret.”)