And Terry Dodd is going to need that prop back! It was just announced that the last show to perform in the Vintage studio theater is being remounted. “RKF: A Portrait of Robert Kennedy,” directed by Dodd and starring James O’Hagan-Murphy, will move to the nearby Aurora Fox studio theater from May 31-June 23 (303-856-7830).
The view of the house seats from the stage, through a curtained window in the Howard Johnson’s motel room.
The Vintage Theatre’s walls are lined with photos of preceding productions dating back to its many previous homes.
The view of the prop table backstage reveals the all-important gun (above), and an array of available mustaches (below).
Theaters find unique backstage ways to commemorate previous productions. Vintage christened its new studio theater last year with “The Cider-House Rules”
Volunteer Ashley Gibson, left, actor Nicki Runge and voice interpreter Victor Parrish go over some final details.
Going over some scenes before the opening-night crowd is let in.
The lobby bar! It’s become a reliable source of revenue for the Vintage Theatre at its new home in Aurora
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