Actor and ultra-runner Ben Dicke explains the new tattoo on his foot: The bison is the symbol of the Heartland 100 running ace. The two mountains behind him are represent Leadville, where he ran another 100-mile race last summer. Those images are on the belt buckles you earn when you cross the finish line.
Director Bev Newcomb-Madden is greeted by old friend John Ashton, who is producing (and appearing in) “The Seafarer” in the Aurora Fox’s next-door studio theater while Newcomb-Madden’s “Consider the Oyster” performs on the mainstage. Below, Madden is presented an opening-night gift from her cast that will make all the sense in the world after you see the show.
Greeting cards, Scotch — and treats for the afterparty (below) — take their opening-night backstage places.
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