Video: My Memoriam Film for the 2013 Henry Awards

By John Moore July 23, 2013 My video tribute to Ray Angel, Diane Beckoff, Harry Cruzan, Shana Dowdeswell, Diane Gadomski, Robert Garner, Angela Johnson, David Kristin, Will Marshall, Brook Millard, Adam Perkes and Linda Rae Wheeler. This served as the “memoriam” section of the 2013 Henry Awards celebration held July 22 at the Arvada Center.… Continue reading Video: My Memoriam Film for the 2013 Henry Awards

Moore on Moore: You can’t say ‘director’ without ‘dire’

How our overture looked and sounded to the audience (above)   The photo above shows how we staged the climactic song, “True Love,” just after Patsy Cline’s death. You can see how Megan Van De Hey (Patsy) was silhouetted in Louise’s window, singing (live) while a grainy video recording of her singing the same song… Continue reading Moore on Moore: You can’t say ‘director’ without ‘dire’