Countdown to Closure: Original cast member on marrow and forgotten riots

Director Ed Baierlein made up a placard for every one of his expected 45-plus actors who were to perform in “Offending the Audience.” Kenny Burt, who joined Germinal in its first season, had to drop out for a transplant. By John Moore Aug. 15, 2013 One of the many interesting aspects of embedding myself in… Continue reading Countdown to Closure: Original cast member on marrow and forgotten riots

“Offending the Audience”: What the hell is this play?

“Offending the Audience” will be the final play staged by Germinal Stage-Denver at its longtime home at 2450 W. 44th Ave. It runs Aug. 9-25, 2013. Call 303-455-7108 or go to Video by John Moore for www.CultureWest.Org. Running time: 1 minute. By John Moore Aug. 6, 2013 “Offending the Audience,” by Austrian Peter Handke,… Continue reading “Offending the Audience”: What the hell is this play?

Why dozens of Denver actors are oh so eager to offend you

By John Moore Aug. 5, 2013 If you think sitting through 80 minutes of a play called “Offending the Audience” might be tough on you … pshaw. You’re getting off easy. Think of the more than 40 veteran actors who have subjected themselves to more than a month of nightly lingual gymnastics; to brain-numbing, contradictory,… Continue reading Why dozens of Denver actors are oh so eager to offend you

Terminal Germinal: Countdown to Closure

By John Moore Aug. 22, 2013 Rehearsals are underway for the final production to be staged at the Germinal Stage-Denver’s longtime home at 44th Avenue and Alcott streets in northwest Denver. “Offending the Audience” revives what founder Ed Baierlein describes as “easily Germinal’s most notorious production,” first presented in 1976. The “choral monologue” by Austrian… Continue reading Terminal Germinal: Countdown to Closure